IB Net Payout Yields Model

Doug Kass Calls a Bottom Again

So far he has been 2 for 2. Kass called the 'generational' bottom back in March 2009 and again called a bottom at the end of June leading to the large rally in July. He isn't overly bullish but he doesn't see the market going much lower with SP500 earnings of $90 next year.

Stone Fox is much more bullish then Kass, but we do agree with his reasoning that the tax and regulation issues holding this market back will likely start to loosen up. The Democrats have a multitude of reasons to become more market friendly as their policies of the last couple of years have done nothing for job creation and the economy. Some bullish moves should help the market going into the November election.

Kass has been the best caller of bottoms over the last couple of years so we'll stick with his predictions until he is proven wrong. Not to mention that the SP500 has a ton of support over the next 15-20 points lower so its not rewarding to go short at these levels.

Clip from Fast Money


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