IB Net Payout Yields Model

One Year Later

Being the anniversary of the Bear Market low on 3/9/09, today seems like a good day to review our performance since then.

When March started last year, we were about ready to give up. So many stocks were unbelievable buys yet the market kept spiraling down. A year later we feel vindicated as all 4 portfolios have easily beat the market since we started tracking them back in 2008. The Opportunistic Model had the biggest gain in the last 12 months at 165% (200%+ by our calculations) followed closely by the Growth Portfolio.

Going forward, were looking towards another strong year as the markets likely provide another solid gain in the 2nd year of this bull market. Its very unlikely that a bull market dies after only one year. As always we'll adjust the portfolios if it appears that the market won't continue the rally. At some point in late spring or summer we're like to finally face a true 10% correction so 2010/2011 won't be as easy as the last 12 months.

Growth Portfolio

The Growth Portfolio gained 155% since the bottom in the market. Easily doubling the gains in the market and beating the SP500 by 84%. This portfolio has a huge loss entering March last year, but now its managed to claw back to a very respectable annualized 8% gain. Very impressive with the market down nearly 7% during that span.

Last Week 4.41%
Last Month 15.37%
Last 3 Months 14.95%
Last 6 Months 20.67%
Last 12 Months 154.51%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception 12.92%
(Annualized) 7.32%
Last Week 2.08%
Last Month 7.04%
Last 3 Months 4.78%
Last 6 Months 11.27%
Last 12 Months 70.28%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception -11.60%
(Annualized) -6.91%
Last Week 2.32%
Last Month 8.33%
Last 3 Months 10.17%
Last 6 Months 9.39%
Last 12 Months 84.23%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception 24.51%
(Annualized) 14.23%

Hedged Growth

The Hedged Growth Portfolio was clearly different with the portfolio actually underperforming over the 12 months by 17%. Though considering the portfolio is still 30% in total and 28% more then the SP500 in its roughly 17 month history, we'd consider that very successful. A constantly bull market isn't ideal for this portfolio but we see more possibility in the years ahead to out gain the market even in good times. Over the last 6 months its up on the market by over 2%. Its clear that the portfolio will drastically outperform in market turmoil and keep up in the good times. Basically what you want to keep capital and grow it in good times.

Last Week 2.68%
Last Month 7.93%
Last 3 Months 6.89%
Last 6 Months 10.56%
Last 12 Months 52.44%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception 29.39%
(Annualized) 19.66%
Last Week 2.08%
Last Month 7.04%
Last 3 Months 4.78%
Last 6 Months 11.27%
Last 12 Months 70.28%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception 1.62%
(Annualized) 1.13%
Last Week 0.60%
Last Month 0.89%
Last 3 Months 2.10%
Last 6 Months -0.72%
Last 12 Months -17.84%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception 27.77%
(Annualized) 18.54%

Net Payout Yield

Surprisingly was the performance of the Net Payout Yield Portfolio. Even though its comprised by mostly slow growth, high dividend stocks it outperformed the SP500 by over 16% in the last 12 months. This portfolio continues to out gain the markets on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. It's now headed towards 4 straight years of beating the SP500.

Last Week 2.64%
Last Month 9.61%
Last 3 Months 5.84%
Last 6 Months 15.87%
Last 12 Months 85.56%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception 5.20%
(Annualized) 3.21%
Last Week 2.08%
Last Month 7.04%
Last 3 Months 4.78%
Last 6 Months 11.27%
Last 12 Months 70.28%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception -5.98%
(Annualized) -3.78%
Last Week 0.55%
Last Month 2.56%
Last 3 Months 1.05%
Last 6 Months 4.60%
Last 12 Months 15.28%
Last 2 Years N/A
Last 3 Years N/A
Last 5 Years N/A
Since Inception 11.18%
(Annualized) 6.99%

Opportunistic Portfolio

These returns are impressive but I'll make a note that they seem off. Its only showing a 50% gain for the SP500 which is clearly too low. While generally accurate in the performance it seems inaccurate in the totals. Actual results should approach 200%+

Mark_Holder S&P 500
Return Since Inception 141.55
Month to Date Return 2.93 3.08
Last 3 Months Return 8.62 0.81
Last 12 Months Return 165.64 50.25
Annualized Return 109.95 -2.37
Alpha 55.85
Beta 1.58

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Annualized Std. Deviation Sharpe Ratio Maximum Drawdown


Benchmark Mark_Holder
Member S&P 500


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