Chart of the Day: Bespoke Reader Sentiment
Bespoke ran a poll this weekend asking readers where they thought the SP500 would end one month from now. Very interesting to see that currently 58% of respondents are bearish.
While a poll of only 429 votes is hardly scientific, it is very indicative of the current mood of the markets. Apparently everybody is expecting a another summer selloff which could be a good signal that after 2 nasty summers the market is ready for a surprise.
Will the S&P 500 be higher or lower than its current level one month from now?Selection
42% 182
58% 247

429 votes total
Disclosure: No positions mentioned. Please review the disclaimer page for more details.
While a poll of only 429 votes is hardly scientific, it is very indicative of the current mood of the markets. Apparently everybody is expecting a another summer selloff which could be a good signal that after 2 nasty summers the market is ready for a surprise.
Will the S&P 500 be higher or lower than its current level one month from now?Selection


429 votes total
Disclosure: No positions mentioned. Please review the disclaimer page for more details.