IB Net Payout Yields Model

Top 12 Net Payout Yield Stocks For 2012

After about 14 months of running a Net Payout Yields Model on Covestor, I'm still stunned how few people understand the concept or even incorporate it into investing.
Net Payout Yields are the combination of the ever popular dividend yield and the always controversial net stock buyback yield. Or another way, the yield a company pays out to shareholders. No preference is given to whether the yield is obtained via dividends or buybacks.
It seems that most investors are in love with the dividend paying stocks, but hardly anybody can get behind stock buybacks. Oddly though, very few investors take advantage of the combination.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha. 

Disclosure: Long DTV, LMT, TRV, LO, WLP. Please read the disclaimer page for more details. 


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