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StockTwits 50: The Big Dogs

Every Saturday the StockTwits 50 report is released highlighting stocks with improving fundamentals and strong technical setups for the next trading week. Last week, Stone Fox Capital wrote an article on the underfollowed stocks in the StockTwits 50 report. The hope was to find stocks highlighted by the report that were cheap. The original conclusion was that the stocks didn't provide compelling valuations even though the sophisticated Seeking Alpha crowd doesn't follow them.
With this weeks report, the focus shifted to reviewing the bigger names on this list to see if maybe an advantage existed in companies where inclusion in such a publication would not move the price of the stocks.
The Big Dogs
Within the top 10 ranking this week were Hansen Natural (MNST)Under Armour (UA)Expedia (EXPE)3D Systems (DDD), and Whole Foods Market (WFM). Other than 3D Systems, all of these stocks have market caps larger than $5B and definitely qualify as big dogs in the stock market.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha. 

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