Sears Holdings: Don't Ignore the Balance Sheet
When Sears Holdings (NASDAQ: SHLD )
announced weak earnings after the market closed on Jan. 9, investors
panicked again ignoring the facts of the company. Investors need to
understand that Sears only reported the income statement numbers. If one
remembers Accounting 101, the actual valuation of a company is based on
the balance sheet or the assets minus the liabilities. The income level
each quarter adds or subtracts from the equity on the balance sheet,
but a large loss doesn't necessarily destroy assets forever. In the case
of Sears, the balance sheet is littered with hidden assets that are
overshadowed by these weak retail results.
Read the full article here.
Disclosure: Long SHLD. Please review the disclaimer page for more details.
Read the full article here.
Disclosure: Long SHLD. Please review the disclaimer page for more details.