IB Net Payout Yields Model

A Gift For Stratasys

For investors that love the long-term story of the 3D printing sector, the disappointing guidance from Stratasys (SSYS) has a silver lining. The stock and the sector were clearly overheating and anything that can cool off both without signaling an end to the long term of the sector growth helps provide an entry point for new investors.

Stratasys manufactures 3D printers and materials for personal use, prototyping, and production. The company is in the process of integrating the Objet and MakerBot acquisitions. Investors should expect some level of lumpiness in the financials from such major mergers so the news today isn't all that surprising unless an investor paid 50x forwarding earnings for the stock in the expectation of perfect numbers.

Read the full article for Seeking Alpha.

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