Facebook: Bored Teens Surface In Full Force
As mentioned many times in the past, Facebook (FB)
executives appeared in denial over the teen usage debate. Over and over
the executives have claimed that teen usage and engagement continues to
grow while every credible report suggests teens no longer favor the
social network. Most of the debate probably stems from semantics of what
counts as teen usage. Sure teens still use the site on possibly a
monthly or even daily basis and possibly even more kids use the site as
parents become more and more comfortable allowing them access to it. In
that essence, Facebook might technically have been correct all along
that teen usage remained strong. Evidence all along continues to suggest
that teen engagement and interest in using the service continues to
decline. Piper Jaffray again disclosed that the teen survey it conducts places Twitter (TWTR) and Instagram as favorites. In fact, the below chart showcases how Facebook popularity has plunged in the last year.
Read the full article at Seeking Alpha.
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Read the full article at Seeking Alpha.
Disclosure: No positions mentioned. Please review the disclaimer page for more details.