IB Net Payout Yields Model

Invest In Private Companies On The Cheap Via GSV Capital

In the past, we have been very critical of the IPO process. In 2011, the Chinese technology firms soared 100% above the IPO range and left initial public investors with considerable losses in a few months. In 2012, the social media stocks blew up after investors in the public markets paid considerably above the IPO price. In both cases, the IPO process signaled the top in these hot sectors leaving the public holding the bag as the insiders exited the firms.

Now GSV Capital Corp (GSVC) allows regular investors to participate in the potential insane gains of the IPO process. Instead of needing millions of investment capital, GSV allows investors to "hire" a management team to scout out the top private investments and diversify the risk via 40+ companies.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha.

Disclosure: No positions mentioned. Please review the disclaimer page for more details. 


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