IB Net Payout Yields Model

Riverbed: An Accretive Deal To Rule The Market

The mantra continues to be that "cash is king." This mantra highlighted companies with cash on the balance sheet and generating strong cash flows, but it placed no emphasis on the use of that cash. Now after years of absurdly low interest rates, those companies hoarding cash might soon find out that using that cash for an accretive deal might rule the previous king.

Prior to the market open on Monday that never happened due to Hurricane Sandy, Riverbed Technology, Inc. (RVBD) announced the deal to purchase OPNET Technologies, Inc. (OPNT) for cash and stock. The deal provides Riverbed with more access to the application performance management (APM) sector and ties in perfectly to extend the network performance management (NPM) of Riverbed's Cascade product.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha.

Disclosure: Long RVBD. Please review the disclaimer page for more details. 


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