IB Net Payout Yields Model

Analyzing The Unknown Domestic Oil Service Companies

After watching a Mad Money feature on little known Key Energy Services (KEG), it got me to wondering what other oil service plays I didn't really know. Everybody has heard of the big players in the sector such as Haliburton (HAL), Schlumberger (SLB), and Baker Hughes (BHI). What about the second tier companies?

Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling remain all the rage, even with natural gas prices plunging to 10 year lows this year. Even with expected rigs drilling for natural gas declining, it wouldn't be surprising to see them move directly into oil shale plays as oil remains around $100. Not to mention one needs to be careful when focusing on the current price of natural gas as future prices on the NYMEX remain in the $4-5 range.

Read full story on Seeking Alpha.

Disclosure: Long CJES. Please review the disclaimer page for more details


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