IB Net Payout Yields Model

Ranked #1 on Covestor for March

As I've mentioned in the past, in February we started using Covestor Investment Management as a distribution option for our Opportunistic (Aggressive) Portfolio. We are pleased to announce that for the month of March (first full month) our portfolio had the highest return of any portfolio on the platform which includes 21 professional models.

The portfolio returned 15% versus a little over 6% for the SP500. 2nd place had 13.37% and 5th place was already down to 9.65%. The top 5 is listed on the main page at CVIM and below.

Definitely can't promise returns like that every month, but we'll strive to continue to beat the market averages.

Covestor is an interesting medium so check it out. Besides investing with me for as little as $5K you can also now invest with numerous other RIAs that have substantial amounts of assets under management. For example, Naviller and Associates is well known on Wall Street and manages over $2B. For as little as $10K, you can spread your money between the 2 of us and diversify your risk away from any one manager. This is where the Multi Managed Account becomes so interesting to people below the $100K and in most cases $250K threshold. In the past, you'd be stuck with just one investment manager, but CVIM allows you to spread that risk amongst a larger group. And with your money at a 3rd party brokerage like IB, you no longer have to worry about the issues faced by Madoff and Stafford investors.

Check out the portfolio: Mark Holder

Last Month Return*

Model Manager Risk Return
Mark Holder 4 15.01%
Yale Bock 2 13.37%
Douglas Estadt 5 13.29%
R Y Foo 4 10.95%
R Y Foo Agg 5 9.65%


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