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Glu Mobile: Aligning The Stars


  • Glu Mobile signs the Jenner sisters to the celebrity game platform.
  • The sisters have a social media following similar to when the Kim Kardashian game was announced back in late 2013.
  • Along with the Katy Perry game, Glu Mobile appears set to yet again smash conservative revenue forecasts for 2015.
Going over nine months after watching the stock soar to over $7.50, Glu Mobile (NASDAQ:GLUU) now trades substantially below that level. The stock initially hit those highs on the basis of the Kim Kardashian game success, yet months later the game has remained relevant and Glu Mobile has other celebrity stars lined up. The fear that the game and concept aren't repeatable should continue to disappear as the year progresses.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha.

Disclosure: Long GLUU. Please review the disclaimer page for more details. 


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