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Will Myspace Get Its Groove Back?

Myspace recently launched the below video in hopes of attracting interest in its re-launch.

Will the website be successful in connecting back with the younger, artistic crowd that it enjoyed until Facebook (FB) came along? Myspace appears to retain the more hip option for users disappointed with the more bland style of Facebook.

The biggest hope for Myspace is reconnecting with the younger crowd looking for a place to hang out with friends and away from their parents and grandparents that now reside on Facebook.

Probably a long shot to re-build a brand in the social networking world, but it sure doesn't hurt to have Justin Timberlake on your side. Whether successful or not it will undoubtedly contribute to the declining traffic at Facebook. Even 5% of users shifting time back to Myspace could just be a killer for the once dominant player.

Disclosure: Short small position in FB. Please review the disclaimer page for more details. 


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