IB Net Payout Yields Model

Performance Review: Net Payout Yields Model Up 18.1% YTD

Would imagine that the average person has no clue that the S&P 500 has had such a strong year. In fact, the market is up 13.9% (not including dividends) so far this year after a flat year in 2011. The stock market is so hated that people don't even notice anymore.

The Net Payout Yields model at Covestor has recorded an 18.1% gain so far this year. As one can see from the chart below, ever since the start of 2011 the model as slowly outperformed the market on a consistent basis.

Per the below stats, the model has outperformed the S&P 500 by 460 basis points on an annualized basis since inception. Right that is an incredible 15% annualized gain during a period that most people have avoided stocks for bonds.

Please contact Stone Fox Capital at info@stonefoxcapital.com with any questions about investing in this model.


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