IB Net Payout Yields Model

Top 10 Net Payout Yield Stocks For July

Not too surprisingly, the top net payout yield stocks from June (see article) remained mostly intact as the month ended. Only Motorola Solutions, Inc. (MSI) was confirmed as a new addition to the list. Both Ameriprise Financial, Inc. (AMP) and Time Warner Inc. (TWX) tied for tenth on the July list with a 15.37% yield. So technically, no stock rolled off the list.

The Covestor model typically holds over 20 stocks so neither stock would need to be sold, but anybody playing at home with ten stocks could just leave the model alone in order to avoid trading costs. Look to add Motorola Solutions to the model as one of those stocks lowers the yield via more stock gains or the reduction of a buyback.

For those not familiar with net payout yields, it is the combination of the dividend yield and the net buyback yield. In essence, it is the percentage paid to investors. A typical fund focuses on dividends while some focus on buybacks, but recent history has shown that the stocks paying the largest combined yield have the best performance.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha.

Disclosure: Long AMP, COP, DTV, GPS, GS, KSS, LTD, and TWX. Please review the disclaimer page for more details. 


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