IB Net Payout Yields Model

Sector Review Since the Financial Crisis: Large-Cap Tech

This article is the fifth in a series focusing on sectors that have struggled to recover from their pre financial crisis levels. Large-cap techs are one of the most hotly debated sectors today. With tech companies like Apple (AAPL), IBM (IBM) and Oracle Corp. (ORCL) trading significantly higher than 2007-08 highs, many investors expect the laggards to catch up soon while others expect them to slowly decline.
The sector generally peaked at the end of 2007, so the companies mentioned have been down for over four years now. The sector is also very different from the others covered, since none of the companies were anywhere close to all-time highs reached in the internet bubble of 2000 when the crash started in 2007. Also, while these stocks remain below financial crisis highs, they aren't down as much as the other sectors, partly due to strong balance sheets loaded with vaults of cash.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha. 

Disclosure: Long AAPL, CSCO, and MSFT in client and personal accounts. Please review the disclaimer page. 


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