IB Net Payout Yields Model

Qualcomm Wireless Leadership Wins Out

Qualcomm settles long lasting patent disputes with Apple.
The new deal will immediately boost EPS estimates.
The stock remains cheap with reasonable $7 EPS targets and a $70 stock price.
In no big surprise to investors following our investment research on Qualcomm (QCOM), the company was able to obtain a settlement with Apple(AAPL) over their wide disputes on patent royalties. The wireless technology giant had already garnered settlements in China and South Korea along with recent admission from Japan regulators that Qualcomm was not a monopoly. Along with constant signs that Apple was struggling to obtain a viable 5G modem by 2020, the expected outcome was a settlement that would send the stock soaring. Outside of unexpected financial terms, Qualcomm heads higher.
Read the full article on Seeking Alpha. 
More commentary on WhoTrades

Disclosure: Long AAPL, QCOM. Please read the disclaimer page for more details. 


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