IB Net Payout Yields Model

Delta To Profit From Mergers

While Delta Air Lines (DAL) is set to become the world's 3rd largest airline when U.S. Airways Corp. (LCC) and AMR Corp (AAMRQ.PK)complete a merger later this year, the company could be set to profit the most from a slew of airlines mergers. In essence the domestic airlines market will become a three-headed monster with United Continental Holdings (UAL) also competing for the top spot.
Delta Airlines has already integrated a major merger with Northwest Airlines and stands to benefit from the other two market leaders struggling to complete the integrations of major mergers. United Airlines and Continental Airlines are still working through integration issues from a merger finalized already.
In addition, Delta is working to finalize the purchase of Pinnacle Airlines out of bankruptcy. The deal has several plans that reduces costs and increases the focus on profitable routes which is refreshing for this industry. All of these mergers will benefit the industry, but Delta could gain the most.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha. 

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