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Buy Millennial Media Prior To Q4 Earnings

Millennial Media (MM) remains the leading independent mobile advertising network with a market share behind Google (GOOG). The company had one of the hottest IPOs in 2012 yet the stock fizzled from day one. As the mobile advertising market heats up should this stock trade near the lows?

The company is the leading independent mobile ad network provider. Its technology, tools, and services help developers maximize their advertising revenue, acquire users for their apps, and gain insight about their users. The company has a platform that enables advertisers powerful Mobile Audience Solutions (MAS) that utilize the significant scale, sophisticated targeting and uniquely engaging creative capabilities to deliver meaningful results.

The company reports earnings on the 19th and investors should consider entering the stock prior to the release as mobile advertising heats up.

Read the full article at Seeking Alpha.

Disclosure: Long VELT. Please review the disclaimer page for more details. 


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